On windows machines the home dir defaults to C:\Users\username or can be found with the `set %USERPROFILE%` command.
The problems are:
- that I have with this method of working is that you can end up with a significant delay in every ipython use (while all of these modules load) on my machine loading just numpy, pandas & matplotlib takes 2.36 seconds and I often don’t use/need them.
- If I am in an ipython session and %save then try to use the resulting script from python it will not work without editing.
- Code sharing will only work if I remember to take an additional manual step to add the necessary imports in.
- The standard mantra: “Explicit is better than implicit”
On searching for the possibility of having a default cell in Notebooks I found this Stack Overflow item where Dan Goldner suggests keeping a firstcell.py file to hand and using:
%load firstcell.py
to get it’s contents as the initial contents. His example firstcell.py was:
%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
I like this as I can have multiple template import scripts, e.g. vis_imp.ipy for visualisation. I found that I didn’t need the first two lines which makes things clearer.
When I run the magic %load it does my standard imports for the task that I am doing but if I am in a notebook and save the notebook others can use it and if I am in ipython I can just use %save filename.py 1- to get a file that others can use, (or I can use from python).